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EnnoDC  I  Management Team

Dr. Mireille Centlivre PhD

Founder & Chief R&D Officer

Dr. Mireille Centlivre, PhD, is the Chief R&D officer and founder of EnnoDC.

She has 22 years of research expertise on pathophysiology of HIV infection, vaccination against HIV and preclinical models.
She conducted her PhD at the Pasteur Institute (Paris, France, 2001-2005) on the impact of the HIV polymorphism on viral replication in vivo, she then performed her post-doc research activity in the Netherlands at the Amsterdam Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA, 2005-2012) establishing a mouse model of human immunity for the in vivo evaluation of anti-HIV vaccines and therapeutics and at the Inserm CIMI-Paris (Paris, France, 2012-2015) working on skin vaccination and immunity.
Since 2015, she is the Chief Operating Officer of the VRI, in charge of the scientific coordination of more than 40 national and international projects in relation with the VRI executive director, the 17 laboratories of the VRI and multiples collaborators in Europe, USA and Africa.
She has been instrumental in the clinical development of the DC-targeting vaccine portfolio of VRI and EnnoDC.