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EnnoDC  I  Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Published on 09/08/2024

Commercial name: ENNODC


As part of its activity, LINKINVAX EUROPE as defined in Article 1 below (hereinafter “LINKINVAX EUROPE”), is required to process personal data concerning the user (hereinafter, the “User”) consulting the Website available notably at the following URL (hereinafter the “Website”) and/or wishing to obtain services or information offered by LINKINVAX EUROPE in particular on such Website (the “Services”).

The present privacy policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is an information note which, in accordance with the amended French Act no. 78-17 of  January 6, 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties (hereafter, “Loi Informatique et Libertés”) and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) (hereinafter, collectively the “Regulations”), is intended to inform the natural persons concerned about the way in which LINKINVAX EUROPE collects and processes, as data controller, such personal data and about the means available to the natural person concerned to control this use.

“Personal Data”: Any data relating to a natural person and likely to contribute to the identification of the latter, directly or indirectly, whether this data is confidential or public.

LINKINVAX EUROPE is aware of the importance of respecting privacy and is particularly vigilant about the collection, processing and protection of Personal Data in accordance with the Regulations in order to ensure the best possible level of confidentiality and service.

The use of the Website and the Services as well as the Personal Data communicated within the framework of this use are subject to the provisions of the Privacy Policy. The present Privacy Policy is completed, where applicable, by specific information detailed on the data collection forms.

By using the Website and/or using the Services, the User therefore accepts the Privacy Policy.

Who is the data controller? 

The person entity for processing your personal data is: LINKINVAX EUROPE SAS
Simplified joint stock company with capital of 20.000 Euros

Paris Trade and Companies Register identification number (RCS Paris): 892 319 104

Head office address: 10, rue d’Oradour-Sur-Glane, 75015 Paris, France

Intracommunity VAT number: FR18 892 319 104

You can reach the Data Controller by contacting him via the email address: / /


What Personal Data does LINKINVAX EUROPE collect?

LINKINVAX EUROPE collects and processes the following Personal Data:

Contact Us” form: name, email address, eventual Personal Data mentioned by the User in the message request

In any event, the Personal Data collected will however be limited to the data necessary for the purposes set out in the section below.

In addition, when consulting the Website, LINKINVAX EUROPE may collect certain Personal Data through cookies placed on your terminal. The collection methods are provided in the dedicated “Cookies” page.

When and why does LINKINVAX EUROPE collect Personal Data?

The Personal Data collected by LINKINVAX EUROPE is necessary for the performance of the Services offered by the latter on the Website and, more precisely, to achieve the following goals and purposes:

  • management of LINKINVAX EUROPE’s communications.
  • management of registrations for events organized by LINKINVAX EUROPE;
  • processing of your requests via the Website (“Contact Us” form);
  • improvement of the content and navigability of the Website (cookies).

Subject to the applicable legislation and in particular the provisions of article L.34-5 of the Postal and Electronic Communications Code, by providing e-mail address and by checking the box “I am neither a customer nor a professional and I wish to receive commercial information from the company LINKINVAX EUROPE” the User expressly authorizes LINKINVAX EUROPE to use it with other Personal Data useful for sending commercial or marketing messages concerning services offered by LINKINVAX EUROPE. If the User is already a LINKINVAX EUROPE customer and if these messages concern services similar to those provided to the User by LINKINVAX EUROPE, these messages may be sent to the User without his/her prior consent having been obtained.

The User can unsubscribe from communications by contacting LINKINVAX EUROPE ( or by clicking on the link provided for this purpose and referred to at the footer of e-mails sent by LINKINVAX EUROPE.

On what basis does LINKINVAX EUROPE collect Personal Data?

In general, LINKINVAX EUROPE uses Personal Data, depending on the processing concerned, on the basis of the following legal bases:

  • Processing is necessary to perform the Services offered on the Website;
  • Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation to which LINKINVAX EUROPE is subject;
  • The User has given his/her consent to the processing;
  • The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by LINKINVAX EUROPE when this does not derogate from the User’s own interests, freedoms and fundamental rights.
Who has access to the User’s Personal Data?

Personal Data is reserved for the single use of LINKINVAX EUROPE and its employees.

The Personal Data collected may however be communicated to third parties bound by contract to LINKINVAX EUROPE, for the performance of subcontracted services and / or necessary for the performance of the Services.

Before any transfer of information, LINKINVAX EUROPE checks the conformity of the purpose of each request and guarantees the transmission of the elements strictly necessary for the performance of the Services.

To date, the other providers identified are:

The Website host Thumb Digital Media Design Ltd

As such, it is specified that these third parties will only have limited access to the Data necessary for the performance of their services and will be required to use them in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

In any case, LINKINVAX EUROPE does not transfer, sell or rent the Personal Data collected to third parties, whether for payment or free of charge.

If LINKINVAX EUROPE learns that a third party to which LINKINVAX EUROPE has communicated Personal Data for the purposes set out above, uses or discloses Personal Data without complying with this Policy or in violation of applicable legislation, LINKINVAX EUROPE will take all reasonable measures to prevent or end such use or disclosure.

Furthermore, in cases where the law requires or authorizes it to do so, in particular due to a Court decision or any other legal request or requirement, LINKINVAX EUROPE may be required to disclose this Data to third parties.

LINKINVAX EUROPE may also be required to transfer Personal Data to third parties to protect its legal interests (for example, in the event of the sale of a change of control of LINKINVAX EUROPE, or the total or partial liquidation of LINKINVAX EUROPE).

These transfers may take place via the Internet or by any other method deemed appropriate by LINKINVAX EUROPE in accordance with the applicable legislation.

The Website is hosted on servers located in United Kingdom. LINKINVAX EUROPE keeps Personal Data on secure servers located in the territory of the European Union.

Personal data may be transferred, for technical reasons, outside the European Union. If this were the case, LINKINVAX EUROPE would take care to provide appropriate guarantees such as in particular the use of the standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission in order to ensure an adequate level of data protection as well as any additional measures deemed useful (audit providers …).


What security measures does LINKINVAX EUROPE implement to protect Personal Data?

LINKINVAX EUROPE undertakes to implement and enforce the electronic, physical and organizational security measures it deems necessary in order to ensure the confidentiality of the Personal Data collected for the duration of their processing. These provisions aim to offer a maximum level of protection against loss, leakage, alteration, corruption, unauthorized access or transfer or any improper use made of Personal Data under the control of LINKINVAX EUROPE.

All Personal Data being confidential, their access is limited to LINKINVAX EUROPE employees and service providers who need it in the performance of their mission. All persons having access to Personal Data are bound by an obligation of confidentiality and are exposed to disciplinary measures and / or other sanctions if they do not comply with these obligations.

If the User has reason to believe that the security of his/her Personal Data has been compromised or that they have been misused, the User is invited to contact LINKINVAX EUROPE at the email address indicated in Article 1 above.


What is the retention period of the Personal Data?

LINKINVAX EUROPE retains Personal Data for no longer than necessary for the performance of the Services and, more generally, for the afore-mentioned purposes for which it was collected, subject to LINKINVAX EUROPE’s legal obligations to retain specific data or to the legal boundaries for archiving and anonymizing data.

The necessary retention period of Personal Data is defined according to the quantity, nature and sensitivity of the Data, the potential risk of damage in the event of fraudulent use or disclosure, the purpose assigned to processing the Personal Data, and whether it is possible to achieve this purpose by other means, as well as the applicable legal requirements.


You will find below an informative list of the time limits for storing Personal Data:

  • With regard to the data collected to respond to one or more of the User’s requests within the framework of commercial relationship, his/her Personal Data is kept for the duration of this relationship and then further legal deadlines requiring LINKINVAX EUROPE to keep the User’s Personal Data (common law prescription of 5 years applicable in civil and commercial matters…).
  • Regarding the data collected to inform the User of LINKINVAX EUROPE’s commercial offers or events: User’s Personal Data is kept for a period of 3 years from the last meeting with the latter.
  • Regarding the Personal Data collected in the context of recruitment requests, the data is kept for a maximum of 2 years from the last contact with the candidate.
  • Regarding the technical data of connection, navigation, cookies: this data is kept for a maximum period of 6 months.

After these deadlines, LINKINVAX EUROPE may archive the Personal Data necessary for the exercise of a right and for proof of this right, within the limit of the applicable limitation / foreclosure period after which the Personal Data concerned is deleted.

For more information on how long your Personal Data is kept for a specific purpose, please contact LINKINVAX EUROPE at the following addresses: /


What are the User’s rights?

According to Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, any data subject providing evidence of his/her identity has a right of access, rectification, opposition, portability of his/her Personal Data and to obtain restriction of processing as well as to decide of the fate of such data after death. These rights can be exercised by contacting LINKINVAX EUROPE by mail or email at the addresses mentioned in Article 1 above.

Anyone whose Personal Data has been collected by LINKINVAX EUROPE has the possibility to contact the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) (whose contact details can be found at if LINKINVAX EUROPE has not answered the request within one month. Once the person has been informed that LINKINVAX EUROPE received his/her request, this period may be extended to two months, depending on the complexity and the number of requests.

Privacy policy for minors

The services offered on the Website are not intended for minors within the meaning of French regulations. Anyone under the age of 18 should not use the Services.

Under these conditions, LINKINVAX EUROPE does not voluntarily collect personal data from children under the age of 18. If LINKINVAX EUROPE was nevertheless brought to the attention of LINKINVAX EUROPE of the collection of such data, LINKINVAX EUROPE will take all necessary measures to delete this data.

Links to third party Websites

The Website may contain links to third party Websites, which are governed by their own confidentiality and cookie management policies, conditions of use and security measures, which may differ from those of LINKINVAX EUROPE

LINKINVAX EUROPE cannot be held responsible for the content and practices of these Websites. LINKINVAX EUROPE recommends to the User to consult their privacy policy before transmitting any information or Personal Data.

How to contact LINKINVAX EUROPE in case of questions or problems relating to Personal Data?

Do not hesitate to contact LINKINVAX EUROPE for any questions concerning the collection, processing or any need for information concerning your Personal Data notably by sending LINKINVAX EUROPE a mail or an email to the addresses mentioned in Article 1 above.

Modification of the terms of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may change, in particular due to legislative and regulatory changes. If necessary, the modifications made will take effect on the date indicated at the top of the present Privacy Policy. By continuing to use the Website and the Services after this date, the User accepts the changes made.

LINKINVAX EUROPE encourages the User to consult the Privacy Policy each time he/she uses the Website, in order to stay informed of the information practices in place and the means that the User can use to protect privacy.